sons (members of this house) to mannage the charge against
Jacob Young and shall be ready to morrow accordingly—
Signed p ordr Thomas Grunwin
Clk of Lower house—
Mr Ennalls returnes and sayes he has delivered his message
The persons appoynted to mannage the said Charge goe out to
consider and Consult therevpon—
The Comittee of Accompts come in & bring their Journall
Coll Lowe from the Vpper house with these two
messages Vizt
Vpper house No: 10th 1682./
Jn Answer Message of the Lower house of the 7th
instant last received this house doe say That they
intend not an ing by those words in their message
Dated the 4th instant ffurther then that they are a part of the
body Pollitick this Province without whose Assent noe
law cann passe and doe now Vote accordingly And that they
did expect direccons from his Lorpp in relacon to the bill for
Electing and sumoning Delegates &t ere they would proceed
therein That the two houses might not loose their labour—
Signed p ordr
John LLewellin Clk
of Assembly—