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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 427   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1682. 427

The Act for Advancement of Trade sent to the Vpper house
by Capt Osborne and Mr Hatton—They returne and say the
Vpper house is Adjourned—
The house Adjourned till to morrow morning
9 a clock—

ffryday 10th November 1682

The house sate againe present as before—
Then was read what was done sterday—
The Comittee of Accompts goe
The last bill from the house lycencing Jnhabitants
and prohibiting rreigners to trade with Jndians Read
the fir time And therevpon Mr Carvile sent to the
Vpp ouse to Acquaint that house That if they please
to the bill Engrossed and ascertained what law they
eane touching pagans And that if it be the same
law which this house Vnderstands ought to be repealed This
house will passe the said Act And to Enquire what time they
will appoynt for the Tryall of Jacob Young—He returnes and
sayes he delivered his Message. And that the Vpper house say
they will Consider of the law by the Lower house intended to
be repealed Entituled An

L. H. Journal

Agreeing the latter part of the said
to be ealed, but would further Consider
And there was a Message coming
of of Jacob Young—
the Vpper house with

No: 10th 1682./
Jacob young a Coppy of
vp against him by the
to know what members of the
to mannage that charge That
all before them the said Jacob
Signed p Ordr Jno LLewellin
Clk of Assembly—

dered that this message be sent to the
Vpper to the last of theirs by Mr Ennalls
as folio

Lower house 10th No: 1682 —
This house in pursuiance of the last Message by Coll Lowe
have appoynted the Attorney Generall, Mr Carvile, Mr Clement
Hill, Mr Addams, Majr Weekes and Mr Gibson to be the Per-

p. 33

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 427   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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