there was delivered an Addresse from the Lower house to the
Rt honoble the Lord propry while he was present in the Vpper
house relating to that bill as this house—
cannot but confesse that
apply themselves in the
to expect the Ans
perhapps by his
bill conteyned by
otherwise direc
into a bill to
houses (who ovince)
into a perpetu LLewellin
Vpper house
This house hav due
Young Comitted are of emselves
high treason could they
Vote Vpon Oath But such not to be had
they being Indians and This
house is likewise of opinion said Jacob is a
person soe dangerous for his and power with the
Indians that he is not fitt to live at liberty And this will appeare
by the deposicons taken by the Attorney Generall which he is
ordered to Comunicate to the Lower house—Wherefore wee
are of opinion That it is the safest for the Lower house to
Impeach him for his high misdemenors before the Vpper house
That soe the two houses may ioyne vpon the certaine Evidence
wee have to Confine him for life though wee cannot take his
life away by any Act in force for Treason at this day And
desire the Answer of the Lower house in this affaire soe to
Conclude this sessions— Signed p ordr John LLewellin
Clk of Assembly—
Voted in this house That this house doe Concurr wth the
Vpper house in Impeaching Jacob Young before the Vpper
house Also that Coll Co ey being soe Considerable an Evi-
dence against the said Jacob be steyed here at the Assembly
till the Charge is finished against him—
Mr Attorney Generall sent to vpper house to Acquaint the
Vpper house with the aforesaid Vote & request—He returnes
and sayes he had delivered his Message—
The dorekeeper tells the house That a Messenger was at the
dore but would not deliver his sword Wherevpon it was Voted
in the house That noe Messenger from the Vpper-house be
Admitted into this house with their swords on Contrary to the
Antient rules & Custome of this house And Mr Attorney