L. H. Journal
p. 14
may it please your Lorpp having most humbly presented our
soe reasonable desires wee doubt not your Lorpps gratious
yor Lorpps long and ha
The same read
by Mr Attorney Ge
Hill Mr ffrancis Robert
Carvile Mr Henry They
goe out and returne the same
to his Loipp
The two Messages
Agents and Capt Beales peticon the
Vpper house by Mr Attorney Gen the
Vpper house Adjourn'd before they day sent
by them againe who return'd delivered
the same—
Mr Peirce sent to the Comittee about the Act for Advance-
ment of the trade of Tobacco to know if they have finished
their Consideracons vpon that Act—
Coll Darnall & Majr Sewall from the
Vpper house with this Message Vizt
Vpper house November 2d 1682.
This house having received a Message from the Lower
house dated the first Instant Relating to a Vote of this house
dated the 30th of October last past By Which this house voted
Twelve pounds of Tobacco p poll to be given to Coll Henry
Coursey and Coll Philemon LLoyd for their effectuall care in
the Negotiacon with the Notherne Indians and their good
husbandry of the publique money This house doe a litle
wonder why the Lower house have waved the way by vs pro-
posed to raise the said Gratuity And a given a lesse Testimony
of their good likeing of their proceedings then this house have
done when they must have payd the Expence of those Gen-
tlemen had it beene more then it is And therefore Considering
the good husbandry of those Gentlemen The Effectuall pros-
ecucon of their Negotiacon and the good Correspondence that
ought to be mainteyned by these two houses Wee desire the
Lower house will Reassume the debate of that buisines And
concurr with this house in giving the said Gentlemen 12 ' of
Tobacco p poll which this house thinke they well deserve
And is