honble the Lord Propry—
the Delegates and depties of the
servants the Depties & Delegates
Demonstrate that duty &
your Lorpp have most readily
and find ourselves thus lessened
from aken in hand & proceeded
vpon ended to vs by your Lorpp at the
the causes of Convening thereof
& hope That wee may with your
likeing Discharge ourselves faithfully
in Vs by the ffreemen of this province
Who they have Complyed with your Lorpps
writts hoosing two Delegates and depties in
each County sufficiently impowring vs To Advise and
Consent to and with your Lorpp Vpon the Vrgent affaires of
this province Yet they have given instruccon to their severall
delegates to pray and make provision That they be restored to
their former freedome of choosing & Electing the Accus-
tomed number of Depties for each County To be the Repre-
sentative body of this province And having taken th'e whole
matter into serious Consideracon Aswell the reasons given by
your Lorpp as the desire of the ffreemen as aforesaid And being
Confident in your Lorpps word That you designe nothing but
the ease of the Inhabitants and lessening the charge that might
accrew by a greater number Wee have studdyed by avoyding
all obstinacy to your Lorpps designes To find out an expedient
That may as well fully comply with your Lorpps good intentions
and satisfy the minds & desire of the people And this is by a
bill directing That all writts for the future may goe out for the
Election of two three or foure Delegates for each County at
the choyce of the freemen thereof, And this may it please your
Lorpp wee most humbly advise to be the most honble & saftest
way as well for yor Lorpp as ourselves And wee doubt not that
when it shall thereby appeare (without all Contradiccon) to the
ffreemen of this province, That your Lorpp designes nothing
therein but the ease and welfare of the Inhabitants They will
readily Consent and agree To elect such & soe many as they
find most agreeable to your Lorpps desires for that and Thus