p. 485
Coll Lowe returns from the Lower house—
Came Mr William Pierce with a Paper from the Lower
house which he delivers & returns thither being as foll Vizt
To the honourable the Supreme Court of Iudicature in the
Province of Maryland the Burgesses and Delegates of
this Present General Assembly held at St Maries
Humbly Sheweth
That this Informant George Oldfield of Cecil County in this
Province being about a Month Since at Upland upon Dela-
ware River, he happened to be in Company with One Lasky
Cocks who lives in the Schoole kill in the Same River together
with Capt William Markham Governor of Pensilvania, who
Demanded of this Informant how Jacob Young fared, and
what Accusation there was against him, and who the Accusers
were and this Informant replyed he knew not, upon which the
said Lasky Cocks replyed that the Neighbour Indians there
were very much Disturbed at it together with the Susquehan-
nahs who Live amongst them, who had a Little before De-
manded the reason of him, for the Detainer of the said Jacob
Young, and who replyed he knew not, The Indians then told
him that whatever could be Alledged against Iacob Young
touching any thing concerning the Indian Affairs was all false,
that the said Young had always kept off them the Susquehan-
nahs from doing more Mischief than they did, or else they
would have killed many hundreds more in Maryland than
they did, but that they were Stopped through his Means, And
the Indians further told him the said Lasky Cocks that in case
the Life of the said Iacob Young be taken away, that they
would have 500 lives more for him out of Maryland and
further this Informant informeth not—
2 Novemr 1682 This is a true relation given to this In-
formant by the said Lasky Cocks which
Cocks will be ready to give his Deposi-
tion to the Same Effect—
Thus Directed Vizt George Oldfield—
To the Honourable the Burgesses
and Delegates of this present general Assembly at St Maries—
Coll William Stevens Sent to the Lower house to lett them
know that this Day his Lordship Determined to Conclude this