Lower house 1. November 1682
Forasmuch as it doth not appear to this house upon the
Petition of Captain Ninian Beale, and Message of the Upper
house thereupon, that the Petitioner hath followed or Pursued
the former Act of Assembly in his Petition Mentioned, there-
fore do not think him relieveable or fitt to be relieved by a New
one—now to be Made—
Signed p. Order Thomas Grunwin Cl of the Lower house
Lower house 1 November 1682
This house have Considered of the Vote of the Upper house
of the 30th of Octor last relating to the Gratuity to be given
to Coll Henry Coursey and Collenel Philemon LLoyd for
their Good and Effectuall Service in their late Embassy to the
Northern Indians, and thereupon Voted that there be given to
each of the aforesaid Gentl: forty thousand pounds of Tobacco
for their respective Good Services in the aforesaid Negotiation
with the Northern Indians & herein desire the Concurrence of
the Upper house—
Signed p. Order Tho Grunwin Cl of the Lower house
To the foregoing last Paper this house return Answer as
foll: Vizt
Upper house November 2d 1682.
This house having read a Message from the Lower house
dated the first Instant relating to a Vote of this house dated
30th October last past; by which this house Voted Twelve
pounds of Tobacco p Poll to be given to Coll: Henry Coursey
and Coll: Philemon Loyd for their effectual care in the Nego-
tiation with the Northern Indians, and their Good Husbandry
of the Publick Money; this house do a little Wonder why the
Lower house have waved the way by us proposed to raise the
said Gratuity, and given a less Testimony of their good like-
ing of their Proceedings then this house have done, when they
must have paid the Expence of those Gentlemen had it been