Lessening the Charge that might Acrue by a Greater Number;
We have Studyed by avoiding all Obstinacy to your Lordships
Design to find out an Expedient that may as well fully Comply
with your Lordships good intentions and Satisfie the Minds
and Desire of the People, and this by a Bill Directing that all
Writts for the future, may go out for the Electing of Two
three or four Delegates for each County at the Choice of the
Freemen thereof; And this may it Please Your Lordship We
most Humbly Advise to be the most Honourable and safest
way as well for your Lordship as Ourselves, And We doubt not
that when it shall thereby Appear without all Contradiction to
the Freemen, of this Province, that Your Lordship designs
Nothing therein but the Ease and welfare of the Inhabitants
they will readily Consent and Agree to Elect such and So
Many as they find Agreeable to your Lordships Desires for
that End; Thus may it please Your Lordship having most
humbly presented Our so reasonable Desires we doubt not
of Your Lordships Gacious Condescention; And WTe shall
always pray for Your Lordships Long and happy Dominion
over Us—
Signed p. Order Tho Grunwin Cl of the Lower house of
Upper house Adjourns for two hours.
Upper house mett according to Adjournment
Present as before—
A Message from the Lower house p Mr Thomas Burford
and Mr William Peirce which they Deliver in two Papers and
return to their house being as foll. Vizt