ince for the better Security and defence
An Act for estin executing
of Ma
Capt Co lasse & Coll Wells
Sent to the dinary Keeps
The Act for They Retorne
An Act Delegates &
Reprsentative time & passed.
This how se sent yesterday
in relacon to of Burgeses finde that
they are wors (given them in Charge)
by the Gournor in Assembly in breach of the
priviledge of this ho of these words (given them
in charge) may be erased howse & more apt words
put in their place, and this how proceed to Joine with
the upp howse in the dispatch of the publique affayres of the
Mr Carvile & Mr Rowsby sent with the said message &
Act for Eleccons to the upp howse They Retorne
Proposed by a Member.
That an act may be Drawne for the punishmt of such psons
as shalby word or otherwise abuse the Members of Assemblys
after the end of the Assembly for any acts by them done in
the of their being members & sitting the Assembly.
Referred to mittee.
Underneath the petition of ent Hill was thus written
Upp howse of As mber the 1st 1678.
This howse doe say that at the leavy mentioned in
the above petition, The Gournor Cou ates then prsent
did thinke fit to allow no more then 9 seurall sheriffs
of this Province according to formr custome, and ought
not to be allowed more then the rest of the sheriffs.
J ellyn Clerke of the Assembly
An Act for putting in Execucon lawes agt Debawchery &
Drunkennesse & pphaning the Sabboth day. comitted
to the Comittee of Lawes.