each Covnty Covrt as aforesd in the lesser Covntys of this
Province wch by this act shall be esteemed Kent, Baltemore
Dorchester & Cecill, wch sumes as aforesd shall be the full
allowance of the Expences of each Covnty Covrt appointed by-
act as aforesd in this Province during the time of holding the
sd Covrts & other publique meetings about the affaires of their
said Countys, any Lawe useage or Custome to the Contrary
notwithstanding this act to endure for the tearme of three
yeares or to the end of the next sessions of Assembly wch shall
first happen./
An act Assertaining what damages shall be allowed
upon Protested bills of Exca
Bee it Enacted by the Rtt Honoble the Ld Propry by & wth the
advice & Consent of the Vpper & Lower houses of this prsent
Genll Assembly & the authority of the same tht there shall not
be allowed to any pson or psons whatsoever within this Prov-
ince haveing Just Cause to implead any pson or psons what-
soever liveing or resideing within this Province upon any bill
of Exchange drawne for any sume or sumes of money what-
soever, payable in England or else where & brought in here
Protested, more then the sume of twenty pounds p Cent dam-
ages over & above the debt sued for & Recovered together
wth Ordinary Cost of suite, any Lawe, statute, useage or Cus-
tome to the Contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding, this
Act to endure for three yeares or to the end of the next Genll
Assembly wch shall first happen./
An Act Explaining an Act Concerning Port Duties &
Mastrs of Shipps.
Whereas in the sd act it is among other things Ordained &
Enacted that all Vessells whatsoever not pperly belonging to