any Law useage or Ordinance to the Contrary in any wise
notwithstanding Provided & be it enacted by the authority
aforesd tht this act nor any thing therein Conteyned shall not
be Construed deemed or taken to have any respect looking
back or relacon to any tobb or mony debt or debts made or
Contracted before the end of this prsent session of Assembly
any thing in this act to the Contrary notwithstanding Pro-
vided & be it enacted by the authority aioresd tht if any debt
or debts shall or may be payable or due from or to any pson
or psons Dr or Creditor liveing or tradeing into this Province
undr thirty three shillings & foure pence or foure hundred
pounds of tobb tht then and in such Case it shall be tendered
& pd in any one pticular Comoditie or kinde of Corne & Pro-
vision tht is made Currant & rated as aforesd & not in divers
the sd pticular kinde or Comoditie to be at the Elleccon of the
payer or debtor, this act to endure for three yeares or to the
end of the next sessions of Assembly wch shall first happen./
An act Limitting the Expences of the Com" of the Covnty
Covrts of this Province.
Whereas by an act of Assembly made the twenty seventh
day of March 1671. Entituled an act impowring the Comrs of
the Covnty Covrts to Leavy & raise tobb toward the defraying
the necessary Charges of their Covnties the Comrs of the
Covnty Covrts of this Province are Impowred to Leavy &
Raise tobb for paymt & satisfaccon of theire sd severall &
Respective Covnty Charges by an equall assessmt upon the
goods and Chatties of the freemen & Inhabitants of the sd
severall Covnties amongst which they have used to Leavy the
Charges & expences of the sd Com" during the time of holding
the sd Covnty Covrts & other their publique meetings about
the affaires of the sd Covnties pretending the amercemts allowed
to tht end insufficient to defray the same. wch great unlimitted
power tho well intended by the makers of the sd act is by time
& experience found to occasion great & unnecessary Charges,
& Expences from some of the sd Comrs to the burthen of the
Inhabitants of the sd Covntys & the discredit & trouble of
others the said Comrs wch by theire moderate expences at those
times indeavour to lessen & prevent the same for the pre-
vencon whereof for the future, Be it Enacted by the Rt Honoble