rather then Involve Ourselves into the Misery & certain
Calamity of a Warr With the Northern Indians, To which
necessity we do not Suppose Ourselves reduced so Abso-
lutely, but that a peace may be easy had and Obtained as well
for Our Neighbour Indians as Ourselves; if Credit may be
given to Coll: Courseys Negotiation—
Signed pr Order Thos Grunwin Cl of the Lower house.
Adjourn for half an hour: and mett again as before.
Mr Robert Carvile and Mr Roger Woolford from the Lower
house with the Bill for reviving the Temporary Laws which
they Deliver to this house and acquaint this house that their
house according to the Vote of this house take the Act for
killing of Woolves to be perpetuall, and think fitt to meddle
no further therein desiring that the 3amc may 30 continue, and
as for the other Acts mentioned in the Bill of Revivall and not
Transcribed into the Book of Laws they are willing and desire
the same may be now done—Mr Carvile and Mr Woolford
return to their house
Came from the Lower house Mr Iohn Rousby, Coll: George
Wells. Captain Ionathan Sibrey, and William Richardson,
they enquire for their Bill for encouragement of Tillage &c:
which the Lower house desire may be returned to them by
these their Members—
To which this house return Answer, that their Message is
somewhat too Peremptory and this house will further Satisfie
them by a Member of their own—They return to their house—
Ordered to be read the Bill for reviving certain Laws within
this Province which was accordingly read and passed in these
words Vizt
May 12th 1682 Upper house have Assented
Signed pr Order Iohn LLewellin Cl of Assembly—
Mr Cheseldyne sent from the Lower house to know whether
this house hath any Business to Communicate to their house
for if not they intended to Adjourn, Whereunto Answered
None at present/ They return
And this house Adjourns till to Morrow Morning 9 a Clock
May 13th 1682 Upper house mett
The Right honourable the Lord Proprietary
The Honble
Phillip Calvert Esqr Chanr Coll: Vincent Lowe
William Calvert Esqr Secry Coll: William Stevens
Coll: Thomas Tailler Capt William Digges