U. H. Journal
The Better way therefore is to give peremptory Instructions
not to make Peace unless we include the Pisscattaway and
other Our friend Indians since we cannot imagine that the
Northern Indians will ever understand the Niceity of a Peace
with them, and a Liberty (that Notwithstanding) to Supply
their Enimies with Necessarys as well as we may do them-
selves according to the Mode of the Christian Princes and
hereunto this house desire the Concurrence of the Lower
house or that they will offer reasons to the Contrary—
Signed pr Order Iohn LLewellin Cl of Assembly.
Sent to the Lower house pr the honourable the Secretary
and Captain William Digges who have in charge to recom-
mend the Same to their Speedy Consideration so as to render
this house a Speedy Answer that his Lordship may be moved
to make to Morrow a Day of Sessions; They return from the
Lower house—
Voted that the Bill drawn up by this house prohibiting
unreasonable Tares of hhds and for punishing false Package of
Tobacco so soon as the Same shall be returned from the Lower
house, be recorded in the Journal of this house—
A Message from the Lower house by Major Wicks Mr
Hatton Mr Hosier and Captain Brandt, which they Deliver
and return being as foil Vizt
Lower house of Assembly 12th May 1682
For Answer to the Paper this day brought by the Hon-
ourable the Secretary and Captain Digges from the Upper
house, This house doth say that by the first Article of the
Advice from this house May the 8th there was no Luke warm
in:Diferency in their house, but their humble Advice to his
Lordship that all possible Endeavours may be used by Our
Agents to make Peace with the Northern Indians as well for
Ourselves as Our Neighbour Indians on the Eastern and
Western Shores, and if they could not procure a peace for
Our selves without including the said Indians, to Obtain a
peace for ourselves only was Implyed in that Advice—
As to the third Article of the Advice from this house that in
case the Northern Indians make a Warr upon us, or break the
peace may be made by Our Agents, It is the Meaning and
Advice of this house, that in that case only the Passcattaways
and other Our Neighbouring Indians be furnished wt Arms &t
as in the said Advice and not otherwise, and for a full Answer
to the aforesaid Paper from the Upper house, This house do
again Vote & Advise that if Our Agents cannot possibly make
a peace including Our Neighbouring Indians then that they
make a peace, the Pisscattaways and friend Indians Excluded,