Lewellyn Clerke of the Assembly,
at this howse have an account of the
Expended for a Magazeen Armes
defraying other publique
se humbly desire of the honoble the
umber of Armes, & what quantityes
of zeene This howse also thinke it
necessa & Amunicon be provided in Every
Cou of 2s p hdd, as farre forth as it will beare
it a speedy answere to this message for that the
Comittee drawing up a law for the defence of this
Province cannot pceed till they have the upp howses answere
Mr Adams & Mr Rd Hall sent to the upp howse with the
said message in writing They Retorne.
Came the Secry from the upp how3c wth this message (vizt)
Upp howse of Assembly October the 31th 1678.
In answere to the pap. of the Lower howse relating to the
100 Acres of land whereon the Citty of St Maryes is built the
upp howse doe say that the Lower howse understand
the case for, First both howses of Assembly much lesse the
howse alone cannot be deemed a boddy Politique
capable of succession chase lands being subject to dis-
solution so that the Propry alone was ca eiving the
sayd land neither can they be capable of an use for
Secondly they are not denyed three a foure acres for the prs
state howse but may have it layd out upon any pt of
the land up wch is in all but 11 acres out of the 100
Acres. Thirdly his Lo to Record his Patent, & for
the Record of the Conveyance for by wch the Lord
Propry is lawfully invested wth the land on wch the Ci ilt,
the Original is to be pduced, witnessed as wee suppose by two
of ges of the Provincial Cort and this howse will cawse
search to be made for it, and if the Lower howse suspect their
is a Record of it & concealed from them the upp howse desire