L. H. Journal
p. 30
to be two foote & foure Inches with boltes locks & hinges the
said worke to be compl
Capt Quigley paracon of the
state howse
John Repayre for and
during the an Ordinary in
the same to Keepe good
& Creddible of the honoble Councell
& Burgeses visions of the best sort
for their En convenient howses
on his ow he can take up land in
the Citty, & his heires forever.
The sayd with, & ordered to retire.
After his Depture the sayd Quigley.
The howse Adjo morning nine a clock
31th October 1678: howse called all Except absent
as before
This howse being altogether dissatisfyed with the managemt
of the Trust of the 100 Acres of land, having not now left Three
or foure acres thereof to the Countryes necessarv use have
voted that this howse Request the upp howse to let us Know
whether wee have any Right or Title to the sd 100 Acres of
land at st Maryes cofnonly called the Countryes land from the
purchase made about the yeare 1663 or not if a Right, why at
this time denyed three or foure acres to be layd out for the
prsent use of the State howse, if no Right by what meanes &
when lost if never any good Title what is become of the pur-
chase money & Interest, fa desiring since wee can
procure no Record Relating to the prmises to the Clea
thereof nor of his Lopps Charter lately desired to let this howse
know assurance wee may more confidently expect a
safe other purchase matter or thing tending to the
Interest & benefit of Country.
Major Weekes atton & Mr ffrisby sent with the said
message Retorne.
Came the SurV Coursey from the upp howse with
the Act of Naturalization this message (vizt)
Upp howse mbly October the 31th 1678.
The within message from er howse being read and
Considered of by this howse they doe in answere thereunto
say that his honor the Gournor hath not power to enlarge or
alter sions of the County Courts more then what they