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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 266   View pdf image
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266 Assembly Proceedings, AprilMay 1682.

U. II. Journal

Upper house 28th April 1682
Voted that the honourable Philip Calvert Esqr William Cal-
vert Esqr Coll: Thomas Taylor Coll: William Stevens and Wil-
liam Digges Members of this house Ioin in Comittee with Some
of the Members of the Lower house to Consult together Con-
cerning the Northern Indians and that the new Council Cham-
ber be appointed for the said Committee to meet in to Mor-
row Morning Nine of the Clock—and this house desire the
Concurrence of the Lower house herein
Signed pr Order John LLewellin Cl of Assembly—

The above Message or Vote of this house sent to the Lower
house by the Honourable the Secretary and Coll: William

p. 395

Which having Delivered they return again into this house
Captain Henry Trippe and Mr Nathaniel Garrett from the
Lower house bring this following Message Vizt

Lower house 28th April 1682.
Voted that Coll: William Burges, Mr Iohn Rousby, Mr
Ioseph Wicks, Mr Richard Hall, Captain Richard Hill, Captain
Randolph Brandt, Capt Robert Henley, and Mr Bartholomew
Ennalls Members of this house meet to Morrow Morning
Nine of the Clock in the new Council Room to Ioin in Com-
mittee with Such Members as are Appointed by the Upper
house there to Consult concerning the Northern Indians—
Signed pr Order—
Tho: Grunwin Cl of the Lower house of Assembly—

The two Members of the Lower house having Delivered
their Message return to their own house and
This house Adjourns till to Morrow Morning 8 of the Clock

April the 29th 1682 Upper house mett where Appeared
Philip Calvert Esqr Chanr
Willm Calvert Esq' prinll Sec Coll: William Stevens
Coll: Thomas Tailler Wm Digges Esqr

Coll: William Burgess and others the Members of the
Lower house appointed to Ioin in Committee with the Mem-
bers of this house to Consult of the Norther Indian Affairs are
accordingly Sent from the Lower house and bring with them
the Goverr of New Yorks Letter which was Delivered to this
house; And this house thereupon Adjourn till Monday Morn-
ing the first Day of May Eight of the Clock, resolving them-
selves now into a Grand Committee to Ioin with the Members
of the Lower house thereunto Appointed—

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 266   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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