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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 265   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, AprilMay 1682. 265

York, and the Governor of New Yorks Answer thereunto be
Transmitted to the Lower house for their perusall
The Honourable the Secretary and Coll: William Stevens
are appointed to carry the Same to the Lower house and to let
them know that this house referr them to Capt Hill a Member
of theirs for a more Ample Account of that affair of whom
they are desired to Demand it
The honourable the Chancellor and William Digges Esqr
Enter the House and take their places
The Secretary and Coll: Stevens having Delivered their
Message return again into this house
The Bill Prohibiting unreasonable Tares of hogsheads &
for punishing false Package of Tobacco Sent to the Lower
house pr Coll: Stevens which having Delivered Coll: Stevens
returns again into this house—
Coll: William Burgess, Mr Kenelm Cheseldyne, Mr John
Rousby Capt Richard Ladd, Capt Jonathan Sibrey, Capt Ran-
dolph Brandt, Mr Joseph Wicks, and MrJohn Stone Members
of the Lower house, came with a Message from thence, which
Coll: William Burgess (having by word of Mouth first Signi-
fied the thanks of their house to his Lordship for the great
care his Lordship had taken for preservation of the Province,
and that the Governor of New Yorks letter should be returned
So Soon as they had Entered it upon their Journall) Deliv-
ered in the following Papers

Lower house 28th April 1682
This house have read the Letter of his Lordship and Council
to the Governor of New York also the Answer of the said
Governor to his Lordship and also heard a full relation con-
cerning the Northern Indians from Captain Richard Hill, and
do return humble thanks to his Lordship for his Lordships
great care thus farr taken for Our Safeties and Quiet and
remembering that his Lordship is pleased to require the Ad-
vice of this house in this great affair, We do Declare that we
are ready (when the Upper house shall give us Notice to that
Purpose) to Join a Committee of the Members of Our house
with Some of the Members of the Upper house for the Con-
sulting the Affairs relating to the Northern Indians that so
his Lordship may the Sooner Receive Advice from both his
Signed pr Order Thomas Grunwin Cl of the Lo: House

Coll: Burgess and the rest of the Members of the Lower
house having Delivered the foregoing Message return into
their own house

U. H. Journal

p. 394

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 265   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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