Liber W. H.
And bee itt further enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord
Propry by & with the Advice & Consent of the vpper & Lower
houses of this prsent Genll Assembly that the said Lord Propry
his Heires & Successors wthin Eighteene Months after the
Publicacon hereof dureing the paymt of the Two shillings p
hdd shall provide & maintaine out of the aforesaid Moyety
beside a sufficient standing Magazeene for this Province, a
sufficient quantity of Armes and Aminicon in euery Respectiue
County for such number of men as shall att any time bee
thought neccessary to bee drawne out or Compelled to March
out of such theire Respectiue Countys in actuall service for the
Lord Propry & defence of this Province, to bee deposited &
kept in such persons handes & Inhabitants of the same County
as his Lopp or his Ltt Genll or Ltt Genll & Councell shall thinke
ffitt to appoint to keepe the same, That heereafter vpon any
vrgent or extraordinary occasion for the defence of this Prov-
ince, his Lopps officrs & the people may bee supplied from
thence, that soe the Inhabitants of this Province may not haue
their Armes & Aminicon liable to the seizure of Pressemasters
p. 166
& theire officers without wch Armes they cannot as bound by
this Act appeare, att Musters & Traineings without danger of
being fined, nor bee able to defend themselves in theire owne
houses, from the Suddaine Surprizalls of theire Enemys, Bee
itt Likewise enacted & ordained by the Authority aforesaid that
wtsoeuer Powder shall bee laid in & Intrusted by his Lopp, in
the handes of any the Inhabitants aforesaid for the vse of the
County aforesaid, shall not bee disposed of to any the Inhabit-
ants or others in Sale vnder prtence of Changing the same for
freshe, vntill such time as hee or they soe Intrusted as afore-
said, shall haue first supplied the Magazeene with the Like
quantity of ffreshe powder for the service of the Country as
aforesaid, And bee itt further enacted & ordained by & with
the Advice & Consent aforesaid, That if vpon any fforreigne
Invasion domesticke Insurreccon or Indian Incursion wtsoeuer,
any pson or psons whatsoeuer, (except before excepted) that
shall bee prest or bee an enlisted Souldier wthin this Province,
shall vpon Comand of his Officer, being a Capt att the Least
obstinately Refuse to appeare & serve in Armes for the nec-
cessary defence of this Province, such pson or psons soe
obstinately Refuseing to appeare & serve in armes as aforesaid,
shall vpon Certificate thereof, vnder such officrs hand as afore-
said, to the next Justice of the peace of the County where such
pson Liueth bee proceeded agt in manner following (That is
to say) the same Justice of the Peace to whom such Certificate
as aforsaid shall bee made, shall Imediately Issue forth a warrt
to the Constable of the Hundred where such party liueth to
Apprehend him & bring him before himselfe or some other of