Assembly Proceedings, August—September 1681. 193
and defence thereof agt any Indians, Bee itt enacted by the
Authority aforesaid, that the free booty prize pillage or plunder
or any Indians seized or taken Prisoner shall by the Comander
bee equally distributed & devided amongst the Souldiers by a
division & distribucon to bee made by the Poll.
And for the Incouragemt of such Souldiers as shall Adven-
ture theire Liues in the Service & defence of the Province,
and for a Provision of some Reasonable pension, to bee for the
future setled vpon such Souldiers as shall happen to bee
maimed & Rendred vncapable to gett a Liuelyhood for them-
selves & family Bee itt enacted by the Authority aforesaid,
that euery person that shall Adventure as a Souldier in any
warr in defence of this Province, & shall therein happen to bee
maimed or receiue hurt soe as hee thereby bee Rendred
Incapable of getting a Liuelihood as aforesaid, shall according
to his disability Receiue a yearely pension to bee Raised out
of the Publicke Leavy of this Province for the time of such his
disability, & euery person slaine in the service of the Province,
Liber W. H.
& Leaueing behind him a Wife & Children such wife &
Children shall alsoe bee allowed a Competent Pension, the
Wife dureing her widdowhood & the Children till they bee of
yeares able to gett theire Liueings, or bee putt out Appren-
tices & that this pension bee yearely paid & allowed out of
the ffifty Thousand pounds of Tob p annu to bee Raised by
the Right Honourable the Lord Propry or his Ltt Genll &
Councell as in this Act is after provided in the Intervalls of
Assembly the party peticoning for such pension and allowe-
ance procureing a Certificate from the Comissionrs of the
County Court, where hee shee or they are objects of Charity
and deserve to haue such pension & alloweance, Provided that
this Act nor any thing therein Contained, shall not Repeale
nor bee Construed to Repeale the perpetuall Law of this
Province, entituled an Act for the Incouragemt of such as shall
adventure in the Countreys Service, Provided alsoe that this
Act nor any thing therein Contained, shall not bee Construed
or meant to discharge the Right Honourable the Lord Propry
his Heires & Successors from paying for Armes & Aminicon
or other publicke Charges of this Province, soe farr forth as
the Moyety of the Two shillings p hdd, extends according to
an Act of Assembly, entituled an Act of Gratitude to his
Excellency Charles Calvert Esqr Capt Genll of Maryland, made
att an Assembly held att the Citty of St Marys the Thirteenth
day of Aprill Anno 1674: And to the end & Intent that this
his Lordshipps Province & the Inhabitants thereof may bee the
better secured & defended, yor Lordshipps most Humble
Servts the Membrs of the vpper & Lower Houses of this prsent
Genll Assembly, doe humbly pray that itt may bee enacted,
p. 165