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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 155   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, AugustSeptember 1681. 155

2d What they mean (by) We Submitt to his Lordships great
Prudence) for if it Amount to Levying of Men Troopers and
foot Soldiers this house desires to know in what Manner those
Men shall be paid
Signed pr Order John LLewellin Cl of Assembly

U. H. Journal

Sent down to the the Lower house pr Col Darnall
he returns again
The Honourable the Chancellor according to his promise
last Sessions produced a Law for Orphans Estates with
Amendments which is now Entituled an Act for the better
Administration of Iustice in Probat of Wills granting Adminis-
trations, Recovery of Legacies and Securing filial Portions
which was read and Debated.
A Message from the Lower house by Captain Waterton &
Capt Ladd Vizt

Lower house Septemr the 7th 1681.
This house intended that the raising of Men for Rangers
upon the Frontiers might be Levyed So equally upon the
Trained Bands, whereby the Burthen thereof may be so
Equally born that no charge may arise either to the Publick
or County, and that the Number be left to the Discretion of
the Principall Officer Guided by the Emergencies of the Occa-
sions, and this was intended for the present Security—
2dly What this house Submitted to his Lordships Prudence
was upon any new Accidents or Murders (which God prevent)
which might occasion a Warr that then his Lordship raise
Such forces as shall be conceived Necessary, & the payment
be made either according to the Rule of the present Law for
Regulating the Militia or according to Such Alterations thereof
as may now be thought Necessary, either by raising every
Twentieth, tenth, or Such Proportionate manner of Number of
Men, to be paid by Such ten or Twenty Men &t or otherwise
as shall be Agreed on in the Amendment of that Law.—
Signed pr Order C Boteler Cl Assistant of the Lower hous of

Voted that the two Messages of the Lower house this Day
and the last Message of this house in Answer to their first be
presented to his Lordship for his perusall, and the Cl of this
house being Sick this house adjourns till to Morrow Nine
a Clock—

Upper house mett Scpr 8th 1681

The Chancellor
The Honourable The Secretary Col Tailler
The Sur Genl Col Darnall

p. 329

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 155   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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