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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 154   View pdf image
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154 Assembly Proceedings, AugustSeptember 1681.

U. H. Journal

and Priviledges of a free born Englishman Settled on him by
Magna Charta so often Confirmed by Subsequent Parliaments
can be preserved by yea and Nay in Tryalls and other Occur-
rences the Lower house may do well to prepare Such a Law &
the Upper house will Consider of it
Signed pr Order pr J LLewellin Cl of Assembly

A Message from the Lower house by Mr John Rousby &
Captain Henry Trippe

Lower house of Assembly Sepr the 6th 1681.
This house taking the last Message relating to Indians into
their Serious Consideration do conceive that the raising a
Standing Troop in each County will Advance a greater charge
then the present Danger Seems to require but do rather pray
his Lordship to command the Severall Colonels or Majors
that they cause frequent Musters and out of their Trained
Bands &a that they send out Some Scouts or Rangers at Such
Frontier places and of Such Numbers as Such Commanders
shall think most Necessary and Convenient and these to be
called in and Supplyed by Equall Levying out of the Trained
Bands of the respective Counties, and this manner we conceive
may give what Security can be Expected from Rangers, And
we hope Answer the present Danger & prevent a Publick
Charge, if any greater Violence be Offered and Murther Com-
mitted hereafter we Submitt to his Lordships great prudence—
And that his Lordship will be pleased to Order that Such
Persons who have the Trust of the Publick Magazines Supply
all such Rangers with Arms and Ammunition out of the said
Magazines for the use aforesaid—
Signed pr Order of the Lower house
C Boteler Cl Assistant of the Lower house of Assembly

The Answer of this house together with the Papers Deliv-
ered in Yesterday by Berry and Iohns transmitted to the Lower
house by Col Tailler—
who returns again into this house—

Upper house September the 7th 1681.
Upon reading the Answer from the Lower house to the
Paper Sent from this house relating to the Indians, this house
desire the Lower house to Explain themselves in these par-
ticulars Vizt what they mean by the words (Supplyed by equall
Levying out of the Trained Bands) if they mean no more but
that when Twenty or thirty Men are called in, as many fresh
Men shall be sent out, then we desire to know how these
Scouts or Rangers shall be paid or Satisfied—

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 154   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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