24th August 1681
Upper house mett and present all as Yesterday
only Col Coursey and Col Stephens—
Then read the following Message from the Lower house
brought Yesterday after the Adjournment of this house by
Mr Hall Mr Pearce Capt Ladd Mr Ennalls, Capt Waterton
John Stevens Mr Dashiel and Mr Wolford Vizt—
Lower house of Assembly 23d Augt 1681
This house Humbly Offer that we are Extreamly Grieved
that his Lordship makes it Matter of Wonder that this house
asserts their Rights and Priviledges rather from the Rules of
England then the imperfect Proceedings of the Nominated
Colonies, the first being Our Inherent Right yea and Birth
right though born in this Province, by the words of his Lord-
ships Charter, and the last both Dishonourable for his Lord-
ship and unsafe for us—
2d Our Propositions can no way be Deemed (as in the last
Message impracticable Seeing we have fully prescribed the
way and Such a way as is no way Injurious nor Dishonourable
to his Lordship—
3dly To liken us to a Conquered People We take very
heavily and wish we had not heard and do wonder it should
pass the Upper house, But if the Word Conquest intends that
we are Subject to Arbitrary Laws and Impositions then we
humbly take Leave to believe that they are not his Lordships
Words, but the Result of Strange if not evill Council.—
4th That his Lordship hath by his Majesties Charter Suffi-
cient Rights and Prerogatives for an Honourable Government
we are Satisfied and that his Majesty has Reserved for us the
rights and Priviledges of English Men is that We insist upon