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to us and unheard of before in this Province, But not Practiced in
Virginia, Barbadoes or any other of his Majesties Plantations—
Jn Virginia the Sheriff is bound to Certifie the Decease or
Absence in England & of any Member of Assembly tri the
Governor and that under a Penalty and the Governor then
issues his Writt for a New Election, not a Word there is heard
of the Speakers Writt and yet they are as much Concerned in
the Parliament of England as we can be, but they certainly
know the Precedents there are impracticable in the Foreign
Plantations and therefore Amuse not themselves with things
they understand perhaps as little as we and Serve only to fore-
slow Business and Ruine the Publick—
His Majesty hath the Sole Power to Dispose of his Con-
quests upon terms he Pleases, is not Tyed to take the Parlia-
ments Consent in his Disposall of them, he Hath granted his
Lordship a Patent with Several Powers and Priviledges
amongst which Enacting of Laws is one, His Lordship hath
Propounded a way for the Settlemt of future Assemblies
wherein every County will have as many Delegates as the
Greatest County in England Knights, and one County there
hath more People then Our whole Province, wherefore his
Lordship desires You will give your Positive Answer Whether
you will Join with him and the Upper house in the Dispatch
of the Weighty Affairs for which he called You and which now
press hard upon him, the Enemy being in the Bowells of the
Province, and if you will he hath Commanded to Let you know
that he will issue Writts pro hac vice tantum to fill up the
house with four Delegates for each County—
The Chancellor having Delivered his Message by word of
Mouth returns again and Says, they Desire the same in writ-
ing which was Drawn and Sent by the Secretary and he
A Message from the Lower house by Mr Adams and Mr
Lower house of Assembly Augt the 23d 1681
This house is willing to Comply with his Lordship in all
Matters, but his Lordship having not Pleased to Communicate
any thing of the Indian affair to this house they know not how
to Nominate or give Instructions to any Member of this house
for that end not well conceiving why his Lordship pleases to
require a Member of this house unless to appear for this house—
Signed pr Order of the house
C: Boteler Cl Assistant of the Lower house of Assembly