[Dinwiddie to Sharpe.]
Williamsburg Octr 11th 1753 —
The Bearer hereof Mr Geo. Gordon is an Inhabitant of yr
Province, he came here to pay me a Visit, & as he was a
Stranger to yr Excellcy pray'd my Letter to introduce him to
you. He formerly liv'd some years with me, & behav'd him-
self extreemly well, he afterwards enter'd into Trade in Mary-
land, & I find he has had some Misfortunes, but I hope his
Character in Maryland is the same as I really think he de-
serves, so pray allow me by this to introduce him to you.
I lately sent a Present to several Nations of Indians on the
Ohio &c. The Comissr I appointed is return'd here, but as yet
have not recd his report of anything of Consequence in it I shall
in Time Comunicate to you.
Next May I have desir'd several of the Heads of the differ-
ent Tribes or Nations of Indians, to meet me at Winchester;
having a very handsom Present from his Majesty to give them,
if yr Excellcy by that Time have anything to Negotiate with
these People, I shall be glad if I can serve you; in the mean
Time believe me to be with great regard & Sincerity
Yr most Obedt hble Servt
Robt Dinwiddie
To his Excellcy Hor. Sharpe Esqr