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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1753-1757
Volume 6, Page 8   View pdf image (33K)
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8 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.

Letter Bk. I.
p. 7

[Sharpe to Calvert.]

2d of Octr 1753. transmitted by Capt. Chew.
I take this opportunity of Addressing you in Mr Ridouts
favour who (should Mr Sterling's Commission be withdrawn &
the Office not revert to Mr Calvert) desires if you are under
no prior Engagement to be recommended to that Office. You
know He is disqualified for holding any place under his Lord-
ships 'Commission till after three years residence on that Ac-
count I am persuaded as well as on my Recommendation you
will be ready to confer on Him such an Obligation. Mr Ster-
lings District includes Chester Bohemia Sassafras & Patapsco
The Merchants will make interest I am told to seperate the
last from the other three & get it added as heretofore to the
Collectorship of Annapolis which will be much for the advan-
tage of their Trade. The other three are so adjacent that one
Person can attend Them all with great ease.—
I shall defer writing on any Business till I see the Disposition
of the Assembly who will meet to Day. Upon looking more
particularly into the Act for the more effectual punishment of
Negroes &c I find it is not to expire till next Session, and I
shall not at present be able to do any thing farther in regard
to the Quit Rent than to reduce the Farmers to 15£ p Ct for
two years, in which time I shall be better able to put that Plan
You honoured me with in execution, &c.

p. 8

[Sharpe to Calvert.]
Octr the sixth transmitted by Mr Skinner. —

Sir: You have inclosed the Addresses of Both Houses of
Assembly in answer to my speech to them at the opening of
this Session. They take longer time to prepare an Address to
his Ldp. which I shall transmit as soon as They deliver The
usual Ceremonies have taken up so much of their time since
they have met that They have not yet proceeded to any Busi-
ness. I deferred the recommendation of any particular Laws in
my first Speech from an opinion that a little experience of their
Dispositions before I should propose any thing would give
me greater probability of success. I have ready to lay before
them a Bill penned by the Attorney Genl for amending the
Act in regard to Princess Ann Town & He is prepareing
another for the Amendment of the Act for the more effectual
punishment of Negroes &c
I have ordered a State of the account & Disposal of what
Money has been collected by the Act of three Pence p Hhd


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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1753-1757
Volume 6, Page 8   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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