[Calvert to Sharpe.]
London ffebry 17th 1757.
Dear Sir/
I write from Mr Andcroon Mercht & as Capt Coolidge ie
upon his immediate departure I have only time to acquaint
you that by this Conveyance you'l receive from Lord Balti-
more 40 Barrells of Musket powder & 40 Barrells of Gun-
powder for the use of the Province wch his Lordp recomends
to your Care I've sent you a Packet by Capt Johnson who
sails under Convoy by this opportunity, by wch you'l receive
his Lordps Instructions with a Letr from me in relations to
several Letrs & Desires from you. I intend answg some letrs
recd since from you in March followg his Lordp has no excep-
tion to yr appointmt of Mr Wm Thomas the Only Exceaption
there can be is whether he lives on the Eastern Shore ? as his
Lordps Affairs are there in great Confusion therefore requiring
a Person on the Spot more properly to settle them, I've wrote
to Mr Lloyd to accept of the Change from the Western to the
Eastern Shore wch I hope he will not refuse. Ad: Byng is
Condemn'd to be shot abt 10000 Troops have recd their
Orders for America undr Convoy of 16 Line of Battle Ships
Yrs most Sincerely
Caecils Calvert
To His Excelly Govr Sharpe.