524 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.
Letter Bk. I.
are however at present pretty well accommodated, the Gentle-
men who live in & around the places where they are quartered
supplying them with such Necessaries as they stand in need of
& require in hopes that they shall be reimbursed by the Legis-
lature whenever the Assembly meets. The Companies should
consist of 100 Men each but I beleive they fall short of Fifty
& I am afraid they will encrease but very slowly unless
Recruits are sent from home for we have not been yet able to
raise more than half our three hundred for them tho we offer
a Bounty of £10 a Man & the Recruits desert so fast that I am
told there are no less than 28 of the Royal Americans at this
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time under Sentence of Death for that Crime. The Garrison
of Fort Frederick instead of being 300 scarcely amounts to
250 Men & I am afraid the Officers will find it impossible to
raise the Number allowed /or the immediate Defence of this
Province, however no Mischief has been done on our Fron-
tiers for a considerable time & the People begin to think
themselves well enough protected. Lord Loudoun is I beleive
at this time in N England whither it is said he went to see what
Assistance might be expected from that Quarter next Summer.
In Compliance with His Ldp's Desire Governor Dinwiddie &
Myself are to wait on him at Philaa the 17th Inst, but I doubt if
His Ldp has entertained any great hopes of Assistance from
these Colonies He will not be well satisfied with the Accounts
that we shall be obliged to give him. Whatever be the Result
of our Consultations I shall advise you thereof by the first
Opportunity whether it be by a Ship from Philaa or one of
Colo Lloyds that is to sail hence the End of this or the Begin-
ning of the next Month. At that time I shall send some of the
Partridges that I have been collecting for His Ldp & you may
also expect the Rent Roll which I have been employed about
ever since the Middle of the Summer together with a Map of
Prince Georges Co'y made from an actual Survey & the Platts
of His Ldp's Mannours finished in the best manner that I can
p. 258
get them & the usual Remittance to Your Self. As Mr Young
is on an Excursion to N York & Phila I presume he will thence
address himself to you & advise you of Mrs Youngs Decease
Miss Graham is left to the Care of her Unkle to whom I shall
agreeable to His Ldp's Orders give the Sheveralty of Calvert
County as soon as it becomes vacant. I am sorry to inform
you that Mr Wm Goldsborough is in a very bad State of Health
& that we shall very probably soon lose in him a sensible &
worthy Member of His Lordship's Council; in case of his
Death I must beg the favour of His Ldp to appoint some
Gentln of this place his Successor as Iudge of the Admiralty
Court, it is a Place of very little profit & the ludge is seldom
applied to but whenever People have Business it is very incon-
venient for them to attend any where but at this Place. I am