4 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.
the King, supported by some regular European Troops,
intending as it is apprehended, to commit some Hostilities, on
Parts of his Majesties Dominions in America; I have the
Kings Commands to send you this Intelligence, and to direct
you to use your utmost Diligence, to learn, how far the same
may be well grownded, and to put you upon your Guard, that
you may, at all Events, be in a Condition to resist any hostile
Attempts that may be made upon any Parts of his Majesties
Dominions, within your Government and to direct you in the
Kings Name, that, in Case the Subjects of any Foreign Prov-
ince or State, should presume to make any Incroachment, [on]
the Limits of his Majesties Dominions, or to erect Forts on his
Majesties Lands, or commit any other Act of Hostility, you
are immediately to represent the Injustice of such Proceeding
and to require them forthwith to desist from any such unlawfull
undertaking; But if, notwithstanding your Requisition, they
should still persist, you are then to draw forth the armed Force
of the Province, and to use your best Endeavours, to repel
Force by Force; But as it is his Majesties Determination not
to be the Aggressor, I have the Kings Comands, most strictly
to enjoin you, not to make use of the armed Force, under your
Direction excepting within the undoubted Limits of his Majes-
ties Dominions. And whereas it may be greatly conducive to
his Majesties Service, that all his Provinces in America, should
be aiding and assisting each other, in Case of any Invasion, I
have it particularly in Charge, from his Majesty to acquaint
you, That it is his Royall Will and Pleasure, that you should
keep up, an Exact Correspondence, with all his Majesties Gov-
ernors on the Continent; and in Case you shall be informed
by any of them, of any Hostile Attempts, you are immediately
to Assemble the. general Assembly, within your Government,
and lay before them, the necessity of a mutual Assistance, and
engage them to grant such Supplies as the Exigency of Affairs
may require. I have wrote by this Conveyance to all his
Majesties Governors to the same Purpose
I am
Your most Obedient
Humble Servant
[Gov. Dinwiddie to Sharpe.]
Williamsburg Septr 3d 1753.
Yr Favo of the 15th ulto by the Post I recd last Night, & hope
before this, you recd mine by our Friend Mr Jennings, & desire