Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 3
Secant to the New Castle Circle, it be so confirmed but if it
runs to the Westward of the Circle that then the Divisional
Line be a Tangent. You have had a Map sent you by Mr
Tasker with one Wilmers Name to it. The person has not de-
lineated it by any observation of his own that I can find so that
you will expect no accuracy in it; It is made by a scale of 69
Statute Miles to a Degree. Quere: Whether such a Division
of a Degree does not favour Messrs Penns interpretation of the
2d and 5th Articles of the late Lords Agreemt
There are two livings Vacant in Worcester County One
of them Valued at 30,000lb weight of Tobacco, the other only
at 17,000lb weight p Annum but will after the decease of Mr
Adams receive an addition of about 13,000lb p Ann: I shall
according to his Lordships Instructions induct Mr Harris to the
last and if his Lordship pleases to signifie his pleasure remove
him to the other for which no one has made application besides
Mr Addams as an Exchange for his, And one Mr Dingle whom
as yet I know nothing of —
Letter Bk. I.
p. 3
[Gov. Hamilton to Sharpe.]
I have received the favour of your letter of the 16th instant,
acquainting me with your appointment to the Government of
Maryland, and of your safe arrival in that Province: upon
which, I very heartily congratulate you, and wish you much
ease and satisfaction, in your administration.
As I am perswaded that a ffriendly correspondence between
the Governors of the several British Plantations cannot fail of
conducing to the general benefit of the whole, it gives me a
sensible pleasure to find you on your first Arrival making so
free, and candid a declaration upon that Head. You will
please to be assured, my Disposition, with regard to this sub-
ject, is exactly conformable to yours, and that I shall take the
greatest pleasure in giving you testimonies of it upon all occa-
I am Sir
Your most obedient humble servant
Iames Hamilton
Philadelphia 27o August 1753.
[Lord Holdernesse to Sharpe.]
Whitehall August 28th 1753
His Majesty having received Information of the March,
of a Considerable Number of Indians, not in Alliance with