[Caecilius Calvert to Sharpe.]
London Febry 2d 1754.
Dear Sir
Inclosed is by the Bearer Mr Meyer's an Instruction by way
of Testimonial from My Lord, for his Induction in the Province
into Church Benefice; he is a young Divine Educated and
Instituted at Cambridge University, where he finished his
Studies with good Erudition & fair Character; his Father is an
Honest Clergyman in Yorkshire near Mr Crowe my Brother
in Law, your Favour to him we shall much Esteem.
I have received from Mr Thomas Penn The Report of the
Commissioners appointed by the Governor of Pensilvania to
Run the Temporary Line between that Province and Mary-
land, and in pursuance of His Majesty's order of Council the
25th of May 1738. I find by the Report that on Saturday the
5th of May 1739 "The Commissioners & Surveyors proceeded
" on the Line which was set off at the End of the half mile
" North & run the same to the Western Bank of Susquehannah
" to an Hickery Tree which was mark'd with 4 Notches on
" each side to be Temporary Limits between the two Provinces
" on the West side of Susquehannah; should begin at that
" Hickery Tree so mark'd to extend to the River Potomack
" as should be necessary for the Peace of both Provinces ;
" which Division Line had it's Commencement from the South
" side of a Run in a Tract said to be the London Company's
" unto a Chesnut Oak of the East side of Susquehannah River,
" South 15 miles & a quarter from the South part of the City
" of Philadelphia &c.
That Sunday the 6th of May, the Maryland Commissioners
Mr Gale & Mr Chamberlaine informed the Pensilvania Com-
missioners vizt One by reason of his Loss of his son & Illness