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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1753-1757
Volume 6, Page 33   View pdf image (33K)
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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 33



[Dinwiddie to Sharpe.]

Wmsburg Virga Iany 29th 1754
Your kind Assurances of Cooperating with me in the com-
mon Cause for his Majesties Service gave me such Pleasure,
as a Zeal like that which inspired them ought to give; and I
now Address your Excellency the more chearfully, as I am per-
swaded of your Promptitude to contribute effectually to it,
The Progress of the French and their avowed Designs make
it necessary for me to apply for your Assistance and that the
Men you can furnish may join our People as early as Possible
in March, at a Place called Wills Creek, on the Head of Patow-
mack, which I have chosen for the Rendezvous, believing it to
be the most convenient to all the Colonies of any that is near
the scene of Action. The French have fortifyed themselves
on Lake Erie, and on a Branch of the Ohio, and have 220
Canoes ready made, and a great many more blocked out, and
everything in Readiness to execute their Design of falling
down the River when the Waters serve in the Spring, and
building Forts at every Place of Consequence. The Fort my
Messenger was at mounted eight Pieces of Cannon six
pounders, and was garrisoned with 150 Men, and they have
already engaged the Chippoways, Ottoways and Orundacks to
take up the Hatchet against the English, and themselves have
Seized the Effects of his Majesty's Subjects who were Settled
there & made Prisoners of their Persons. How they justify this
Conduct your Excellency will see by the Inclosed Letter from
their Commandant to me.
I think it wou'd very much conduce to the Success of the
Service that the Command shou'd be undivided & therefore I
shou'd be very glad of your Concurrance with my Sentiments,
and that the Men you furnish might be put under the Com-
mand of my General Officer. I expect to meet our Assembly
the 14th: of next Month, when I hope to be enabled to enter
on more Vigorous Measures; at Present I have ordered out a
Detachment from the Militia to cover the Works that are
carrying on at our Fort on the Ohio, and shall with all Dis-
patch furnish them with the Stores & other necessaries for its
completion But as the French intend to be upon the Ohio early
in the Spring with a greater Force than they had in the Fall
which then consisted of 1500 Men it will be of the last conse-
quence to have a sufficient Strength there early to oppose
them, and the present Temper of the Indians increases the
necessity, as they seem to defer coming to Action 'till they see
us at their Backs to support 'em & I am perswaded that they
then will Act honestly and effectually. Otherwise it is appa-
rent to me that they will be lost to the British Interest as their


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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1753-1757
Volume 6, Page 33   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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