Lovelace, Francis, Gov. of New York,
letter to, 58.
Markham, William, Penn's deputy, 350.
explanation, 372.
proceedings, 374,
statement, 430.
Martin, Abdelo, denization, 25.
Maryland, condition of, 264.
northern boundary of, 57,369,
37 ii 374- (See Penn.)
southern boundary of, 44, 64.
Mills, Mary, denization, 112.
Mills, Peter, denization, 36.
Moll, John, license, 88.
Mulloy, Mary, whipped, 513.
Nanticokes, treaty with, 29, 551, 555.
troubles with, 547, 548, 549.
Navigation, Acts of, 46, 446.
New Castle, 58.
latitude of, 377, 381.
conference at, 397.
New York, letter to Governor of, 58.
Northern boundary. See Boundary.
Nuthall, Elias, estate of, 98.
Nuthall, John, estate of, 34.
Oath of Fidelity, 145,174,193,196, 310.
Councillor, 41, 85, 145, 213.
Sheriff, 117.
Governor, 209.
Secretary, 42, 218.
Ordinance for Maryland, 173, 180.
Oversey, Simon, protection to, 298.
Palmer's Island, 394.
Pardons, 482, 499.
Pascatoways, petition of, 65.
Penn, William, petition for grant, 271.
his southern boundary,
letters about, 273, 349,
letter to Marylanders,
285, 375.
order from King about,
seizes New Castle, 379.
conferences with Balti-
more, 379, 382, 397.
claims no power in Dela-
ware, 446, 482.
Pennsylvania boundary, 57, 272, 369,
371. 372, 374, 379. 382,397, 430, 456.
Petition of:
Ashcorn, athaniel, 470.
Petitions of:
Baker, John, 478.
Beale, Audrey, 420.
Blizard, John, 478.
Bray, Henry, 465.
Burk, Richard, 396.
Butterham, Nicholas, 467.
Calvert, Charles, 363.
Claiborne, William, 157.
Dent, William, 505.
Douglas, James, 498.
Indians, 65.
Long, Thomas, 539, 541.
Round, James, 525, 579.
Royston, Richard, 481.
Ryley and Tennison, 463.
Smith, Thomas, 561.
Van Sweeringen, Garratt, 469.
Weekes, Joseph, 535.
Wells, George, 524.
White, Nicholas, 492.
Woodward, John, 458.
Porter, Giles, charge against, 506, 509,
Ports erected, 31, 47, 92.
Potomac River, 419.
Privy Council, inquiries of, 125, 128.
answers to, 264.
advise Quo Warranto, 445.
report on boundary, 458.
Proclamation about towns, 495.
of James II, 424.
Protestant officers, 309, 354.
Public levy, 20.
Quo Warranto, writ of, 445, 456, 542,
Rangers, proclamation about, 568.
Religion in Maryland, 129,133, 252,260,
267, 300, 301, 309, 353.
Round, James, petition, 519, 525.
Rousby, Christopher, letters about, 274,
deposition against
case of, 286, 302,
305. 306, 308,
murder of, 428,
Royston, Richard, petition, 481.
Rozer, Benjamin, Sheriff, 4, 27.
Ryley and Tennison, petition, 463.
Secretary's oath, 42, 218.
Servants, transportation of, 373.
Sheep and lambs, exportation of, 105.