Commissions to:
Vicaris, John, 30,37.
Wade, Zechariah, 21,75.
Walker, Thomas, 104.
Warren, Humphrey, 21,
Warren, John, 33.
Watkins, Francis, 525.
Watson, John, 525.
Weedon, James, 61, 80,
Weeks, Joseph, 87.
Welch, John, 30.
Wells, George, 10, 525.
Wells, Tobias, 87.
White, John, 61.
Williams, Morgan, 37.
Winder, John, 61.
Winder, Thomas, 568.
Wright, John, 37.
Wroughton, William,
Young, Nicholas, 33.
" Complaint from Heaven," 134.
Condemnation of ship, 334.
Conditions of Plantations, 54, 63.
Coode, John, 281, 301, 302.
trial of, 329.
Cornellinson, Harman, license, 116.
Coroners, 70, 96, 97, 569.
Councillor's oath, 41, 85, 145, 213.
Delaware, settlements on, 79, 411, 453,
grant of, 392, 426.
boundaries of, 392, 454, 455,
456. 458.
Denization of H. Johnson, 35.
J. Jourdean, 11.
A. Martin, 25.
M. Mills, 112.
P. Martin, 36.
W. Ticke, 37.
Dent, William, petition, 505.
Deputy Governor's Commission, 66.
D'hynoyossa, Alexander, charge against,
Dissent to laws, 405.
Douglas, James, petition, 498.
pardon, 499.
Durham County, 56.
Dutch on the Delaware, 411.
Duty on exports. See Badcock and
Eastern Shore, lands on, 43.
Fendall, Josias, 281.
trial of, 312-328.
Ferry-boat at Patuxent, 118.
Fidelity (fealty), oath of, 145,174,193,
Fitzallen, Richard, Sheriff, 4.
Forfeiture of ships, 406.
France, neutrality with, 570.
Godfrey, George, trial, 332.
Great Seal, custody of, 504.
Groenendyck, Peter, license, 115.
Hangman, 499.
Hats, manufacture of, 472.
Heath, James, clerk, 516, 567.
Horses, importation of, 120.
Horsey, Stephen, Sheriff, 4.
Hull, Walter, Sheriff, 26.
audience to, 479.
complaints against, 519, 556.
complaints of, 479, 482,493, 517,
enemies, 12.
help to, 13.
lands, 34, 518, 520, 557.
march against, 21.
murders by, 11, 475, 550.
peace with, 29, 243, 250, 263,
269, 551. 555.
petition of, 65.
presents to, 525, 560.
trade with, 557.
treaties with, 29, 551, 555, 558.
troubles, 154, 280, 347, 547,548,
549, 551.
Inquiries of Privy Council, 125, 128.
answers to, 264.
Instructions to town officers, 500.
James II proclaimed, 424, 442.
letters to Baltimore, 443, 570.
Jarboe, John, Sheriff, 4.
Johnson, George, Sheriff, 33.
Johnson, Hendrick, denization, 35.
Jones, Thomas, license, 106, 114.
Jourdean, John, denization, 11.
Kent Island, affairs at, 157-239.
Land Office, rules for, 477.
Land, mode of selling, 390, 394.
Lands on Eastern Shore, 43.
Laws, proclamation about, 405.
Layfield, George, Comptroller, 526.
Loderer, John, license, 84.
Long, Thomas, petition, 539, 541.
Long Tom (Indian), charge against, 556,