504 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
Order to be sett up
in the Collectors offices
for Mars of Shipps.
Itt was likewise further considered that an
Order oblieging all Masters of shipps &c
to make'due entryes with the respective
Officers for Townes should be sett up for Publick view in the
Offices of all his Lordsps Collectors, the which was accordingly
sent to the severall Collectors & is as followeth. vizt
Maryland ss./ By the Councill
The Order
Ordered that all his Lordship's Collectors affixe in
their offices the following Order vizt
p. 52
That all Masters of Shipps and other Vessells shall duely
perform and observe the Acts for Advancement of Trade and
be oblieged to make due entry of all Tobaccoes and other Com-
modityes of this Province by them taken and laden on board
from any Town or Place of Shipping in this Province with the
Officer for that Town or Place especially appointed and that
they presume not to take any Tobaccoes or other comodityes
of this Province on board att any other Place then in the said
Acts are allowed of for Townes and Shipping Places Nor the
same att the said Townes or Places either by night or day butt
with the knowledge and Privity of the said Officer And that
before the departure of any shipp or vessell from such Town
or Place that the Master thereof take certificate of the Officer
aforesaid for the quantityes of Tobaccoe and other Comodityes
of this Country taken and laden from such Town that thereby
he may be qualified to clear with his Ldps. Collectors And
that noe person whatsoever concerned refuse to comply in all
things with this order under the severest punishments and
penaltyes to be inflicted upon those that shall Gontemn the
Dated att the Councill Chamber att the Citty of St
Maryes the 15th day of September in the eleventh year
of the Dominion of the Rt Honble Charles &c. Ann:
Dom: 1686.
signed p order
Jam Heath Cl. Consil.
Coll. Darnall and
Coll. Digges signing
to the great seal
considered of.
Whereas for want of a Right understand-
ing of his Ldp's intentions in comitting the
Great Seal of this Province to the sole custody
of the honble Coll. Henry Darnall, whether
the said Coll: Darnall alone should sign to all Instruements that
passed under the said seal or whether the honble Coll: Wm
Digges should still sign together with the said Coll: Darnall
For that his Lordsp att his departure from this Province for
England comissioned the said Coll: Darnall and Coll: Digges