Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89. 503
Charles County
Charles County
Liber B.
P. R. O.
Chandler Town
The honble Colh Edwd Pye
not to be sworn
Wharton Town
Mr Rid Boughton
Coll: Ed: Pye
Charles Town
Mr Rid Beaumont
Stumpneck Town
Mr Edwd Rookewood
Dorchester County
Maj: Thomas Taylor
any two Commissioners
Mr Ed: Pindar
any two Commissioners
Dr John Brookes
Mr Hen: Tripp & Dr Lookerman
Baltemore County
Baltemore County.
Baltemore Town
Mr James Phillips Coll: Wells & Mr Ma: .Richardson
Midle Town in Midle River
Mr Tho: Scudamore Maj: Long & Mr Jno Boring
Town in Patapscoe
Mr Tho. Derben. Idem
Sumersett County
Sumersett County
The honble Coll. Wm Stevens
not to be sworn
Caecill County
Caecill County
Town in Elk River
Mr Samll Wheeler
any Two Commissioners
Town on Wm Frisbyes Plan:
Mr Thorn: Tunis
any two Commissioners
Town on Jno Wests Plana
Mr Wm Nowell
any two Commissioners
Town in Worton
Mr Geo. Higginbottam
any two Commissioners
The Precept to swear the said Officers issued to the severall p. 51
Justices of the Provinciall Court and Commissioners of
Countyes as is afore sett down, in these words vizt
Maryland ss:/ By the Deputyes Lieuts
Precept to swear
the Officers
You are hereby required to call before you
of your County and deliver to him the
Inclosed Instructions when he hath perused the same you are
then to administer unto him the following Oath vizt
You shall swear that all and every the Instructions and
orders now delivered you from the Deputyes Lieuts of this
Province you shall to the utmost of your Power well and truly
observe and keep
Soe help you God.
And how you shall this perform that you make report there
of to us att the Citty of St Maryes the last Tuesday in October
next and hereof fayle not as you will answere the contrary.
Given under our hands att the Citty of St Maryes
the 15th day of Septr in the eleventh year of the Dominion
of the Rt honble Charles &c. Ann: Dom: 1686.
Vincent Lowe
Henry Darnall
Wm Digges
Nicholas Sewall
Clement Hill.