Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89. 467
in favr Mr
lives in the Freshes of Pottomock River in my
Province of Maryland from whom vou will receive
Liber B.
P. R. O.
this, he is a person for whom his Lordship hath a good esteeme
and as I understand very much wisheth his welfare in all his
proceedings, wherefore and in complyance with his Lps: desire
I hereby recommend unto you the said Mr Willymot and doe
expect that you will upon all occasions favour and countenance
him in all things which may reasonably tend to his benefitt and
advantage, which I hope he will deserve very well, and likewise
be an occasion for him in future time to acknowledge unto my
Lord of Ely the respect and advantage he hath gained by this
Recommendation from
Your loving Friend
London 15th Sept: 1685 C. Baltemore.
For Coll. Thomas Taillor
Coll Vincent Lowe, Coll Henry Darnall
Coll Wm Digges and to the rest of the
Deputy Governr of Maryland.
in behalf
of Mr Willy-
Their Honre doe declare their ready complyance
to his Lordship's Commands and will upon all occa-
sions that shall present Afford the said Willymot
what favour and countenance they reasonably and
legally cann in all things tending to his benefitt and advantage.
To the Honble his Lordship's Councill
The humble Petition of Nicholas Butterham Guardian to
Henry Bussey an Infant, sonn and heire of George Bussey
p. 12
Nicholas But-
terham pet:
in behalf of
Henry Bussey.
That your Petitioner the 3d day of Aprill 1684:
upon his humble address to his Lordsp and Councill
did favourably obteine an order to superseede a
certain judgement obteined against him bv one
George Carter before the honble the Justices of the Provinciall
Court in an action of ejectment for the reasons and suggestions
then sett forth in his Petition, and that the same upon the
meritts of the cause should by virtue of his Lordship's writt of
Error be brought to a reheareing before his Lordp and upper
house of Assembly at the then next Generall Assembly to be
holden for this Province as by the said Petition and order here-
unto annexed doth and may appeare, that the said Assembly is
since dissolved and your Petitioner's writt of Error thereupon
fallen of course He therefore humbly prays your Honrs
favourably to grant that supersedeas may afresh issue upon the
Judgement aforesaid, and his Lops writt of Error and scire