466 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
Maryland whereby he hopes the aggrievances will be redressed
and justice be speedily executed
And your Petitioner shall ever pray &c.
Together with the aforegoing Petition was alsoe produced
the following Letter from his Lordsp in favour of said Bray, viz:
Lord Bal-
temore's Let:
to the Councill
in favr of
Henry Bray.
Henry Bray citizen of London hath petitioned
me and therein sett forth that Nicholas Painter of
Ann Arrundell County was possessed of a certain
plantation there with a considerable stock of To-
baccoes, Negroes, household goods &c. to considerable value,
and about the moneth of Aprill 1684. he transported himself
to London, and that the said Painter constituted Coll. Burges
his Attorney, to manage the said Estate, that the said Painter
made his last will, and appointed the said Bray his sole executor
and dyed soone after his arrivall in Maryland being much in-
debted to the Petitioner and others, as is alledged, and that
Coll. Burges deteines all the said Painters estate, therefore I
doe at the request of the said Henry Bray desire that you will
give him or such agent or agents as he shall imploy your
advice and assistance in order to his recovering his just debt
due from the said Painter out of the stock and Estate which
he left in Coll. Burges his hands, which I expect you will not
faile to doe according to justice and to the desire of
Your loving Friend
London 17th Novr 1685. C. Baltemore
p. 11
These for Thomas Tailler
Coll. Vincent Lowe, Coll. Henry Darnall
Coll Wm Digges and the rest of the Depuys
Governours of Maryland.
Mr George Parker Attorney for the Petr humbly mooves the
board and prays at present only that the said Coll. Burges may
be required to make up his Acctof the said Painters Estate
before the Comryes that he may have coppy thereof to send
home to the Petitioner.
Coll. Burges
ordered to
perfect his
Acct of Painter's
Ordered that the said Coll. William Burges
doe by the 14th of this instant May at furthest
perfect his Account of the said Painters Estate
before the Comissaryes, and that coppy thereof
be delivered to the said Painter as is prayed.
Produced and read this foll: Letter from his Lordship viz.
Lord Baltemore's
Let: to Councill
I have been desired by my Lord Bishop of Ely
to recommend unto you one Mr Willymot who