P. R. O.
B. B.
quarrell betwixt yu and us, arid that wee may now live in peace
as Brethren created by the same God though heretofore not
Known to one another, Wee desire that all such of the Sus-
quesahannah nation as shall come under yor protection may by
yu be obliged not to do any violence or wrong to any Xian
inhabiting either in Maryland or Virginia, or to any Pascatta-
way Indian, or other Indian in amity with the Christians of
Maryland or Virginia, but that a peace may be established as
well between all the said Christians as all the said Indians to
last as long as the World shall endure.
3. In case any injury shall hereafter be done by any of the
said Susquesahannohs living under the prtection of you the
said Cinnigos, or by any of yor own Nation, You shall deliver
them upto us, or to the Honble Governr Genll of New Yorke,
if Wee desire it to be proceeded against, according to his
demeritts, and the nature of his offence.
4. To the end there may never be any cause of quarrel
between us, if the Cinnigos have occasion to come into the
Confines of the Rt Honble the Lord Propry of Maryland, Wee
desire they will first apply themselves to some of Our Officers
at the head of Chesapeake Bay, and give them notice of their
arrival, and intentions and take a Pass from some of them, that
our people who understand not the Cinnigos language, may
treat them civilly, and not be put into a jealousy that they are
Signed by T: W: P: C.
Wm Cull: Bd: B.
& Benja Rover
Proposall to the Indians.
Copy of the Govr & Councill
in order to Coll. Henry Courcy to be
made use of at the Congress
the 15. July 1677
At Fort Albany
p. 4
Letter to be sent to my Lord Baltimore
Governr of Maryland.
After our very hearty Commendations to your Lop Wee
having received information from very Credible Hands that
many of his Matys Subjects Inhabitants of the Province of Mary-
land, do live very dissolute lives comitting all notorious Vices,
& profaning the Lords day to the Great Scandall of the
Christian Religion. This being come to Our Knowledge Wee
could not but acquaint your Lop therewth for whom it is proper
to see the same Redrest: Wee do hope that there are suffi-