P. R. O.
B. B.
been brought before me, who declare their willingness to peace,
and to manifest it run the hazard of their lives privately to get
into English houses as a sanctuary, where they had formerly
lived, who notwithstanding their strong desire to peace, and
endeavours for it, had bin destroyed by Our wild headed
rabble, if I had not interposed, and restrained them, to their
dissatisfaction. With yr particulars of our peace yor com-
mands shall be fully answered by
Sr Your humble Servant
Nicholas Spencer.
Please to give my most humble service to yor
Honored Lady & ffamily.
22 June 1677
For the Honble Philip Calvert Esqr Chanclr
of the Province of Maryes
In St Maryes. from Nich: Spencer.
p. 11
From the Lt Govr Thos: Notley
Copy of a Letf from the Govr
to the honble Govr of Virginia
June 22d. 1677 from St Marys.
Sr The preservation of His Maties subjects in these parts
from plunder and destruction by the Northern Indians obliged
me to send an Agent to New York by the means of Col" An-
dros to come to a Treaty with the Heads of all the severall
Nations who were in a possibility of annoying of us, from him
I have reed, the inclosed directed to yorself, the purport of
which I am given to understand is to know how you have pro-
ceeded either as to Warr or peace with the Indians within yor
Territories, and what yor designs may be as to the Indians that
live to the Northward that he may not thwart yor designs by
any Article made by him or us with whom he hath thought fit
to joyn in making a secure peace for himself and us, and all
other His Mau Subjects under your Government unless you
signify tis not for His Maties or yor own Honors & interest to
join with him and us in this Affair. I send this upon the same
errand, and desire you will signify yor resolutions to us with
speed, because the 15th day of July is the day appointed for
the congress at ffort Albany.—
It is the stile and custom of the Indians to make presents
with every severall demand or Article in their peace & the
same they expect from us. So that in case you desire to be