pticular Letf but either Capt Colliers ignorance or misinter-
pretation hath given the occasion, when yu receive this pray
labour to undeceive Governor Andross and in case he be any
way settled in an ill opinion of us desire a sight of the Chancelrs
and my Lettre of them I know yu will be able to make such a
judgemt as to give him satisfaccon in that point, I much approve
of all yor pceedings so farr as yu have advised me, and doubt
not but yu will manage the rest, & all things to the great satis-
faccon of this Governmt Content to the People here and Honor
to yor self wch God grant may be effected. One thing I must
add that if upon the whole Considration of yor negotiation yu
shall think it more necessary to lett the Susquehannoh Indians
live in this Province then elsewhere, then to endeavor so to
ordr it, if not however to leave noe gapp, but to make a
thorough Conclusion with all Indians wch the ordrs referr unto
I depend upon yor judgmt and discretion for the managemt of
all w" Concernes your negotiation according to yor instructions
and wish yu good success therein and if any difficulty doe arise
in the managemt soe that yu cannot act without further instruc-
tion lett me heare from yu with all expedition imaginable
otherwise if yu find an Easy and ffeasible Entrance & pceeding
in ordr to a good conclusion yu need not be at the trouble to
send but I shall expect the happy tideing of yor Negotiation by
yorself in pson in Convenient time so wishing yu health &
Prosperity a good conclusion of yor negotiation and a safe re-
turtie with my true respects prsented I Rest
Sr Yor sure ffriend and Servant
To the Honble Ltt Gen" Andross prsent
my service
Forgett not to include Virginia by name In all Articles
you make with the Indians.
Henry Coursey's of the 22nd of May 1677.
P. R. O.
B. B.
Nomini June 22th 1677
Most Honor Sir
I am sorry Pinckneys deceits were so prevolent thereby to
make ready & easy means for his transport, Hee carried from
his Master the val of 40l sterl. as it was not the first cheat, so
neither will it be the last of this nature in our wilderness where
it's to be admired how any are taken, then that any should
escape, since the greatest part of our rude multitude have
served an apprentiships to the Art of escapes. The 29th of
May produced a peace, but what terms I cannot particularly
say, my occasions not allowing me to be there. The Nauratico
Indians came not then in but had twenty days time allowed
them to come in, since some come in to us, some of which have
p. 10