P. R. O.
that either the then Kinge or Kinge James being rightlie
informed, would ever have granted such a Patent as this of
Maryland and is being nere to thes parts of the better Turri-
tory of Virginia, and as noe way consistent with equity, and
the honour and Publique faith of the Kingdome, soe was noe
waie in the absolute and royall powers assumed and executed
by him, agreeable to the late Monarchiall Government or the
present authoritie of the Comane-wealth of England, and most
injurious to the rights and interests of the noble Adventurers
and the painefull and indefaticable Planters who had soe long
conserved her from totall ruine.
A short and successive narration of the most of the afforsaid
Publique assurances followes viz.
1. First by an order of the Counsell 8th October 1623. (be-
fore the quo warranto) brought to arme the minds of the Ad-
venturers and Planters against any mistaken feare and appre-
hension as if. theire estates should receive prejudice.
2. And whereas the Lords of the Counsell were informed
that the intended change of the Government, had begott a
generall discouragement among the Adventurers, not with-
standing sundrie other declarations made at the board viva
voce, and that former act of Counsell, theire Lordshipps were
pleased by an order of the 20th October 1623 to declare againe,
that there was noe other intention, but onely and meeralie the
reforming and change of the present Government, and that
noe man should receive any prejudice, but have his estate fullie
and whollie conserved, and if in any thinge it were found de-
fective better to be secured, which order by theire Lordshipp's
Command was sent over and published in Virginia, att theire
generall assembly for encouragement of the Planters.
3ly King James was allso pleased to expresse the same in
his Commission to sundry of his own Privy Counsell and other
Commissioners for the time being, for the affayers of Virginia,
15th July 1624 That his intention was to alter the Letters Pat-
tents as to the forme of Government, but with preservation of
the Interests of every Adventurer and Planter.
4ly And the like declaration of the king's intention was
expressed in the Commission under the broad seale then sent to
Sir Francis Wyat, and the Counsell then appointed by his
Majestie to governe and direct the affaires and people in Vir-
ginia, and the like hath bin inserted in all Kinge Charles'
Commissions that have bin given to all the Governors of Vir-
ginia that have bin since that time to this present. Neither
was there any alteration of the orders and Instructions formerly
given by the Company for the Government of the Colony but
rather a Confermation and approbation of them that they stand
in force to this daie, soe that in noe point were they ever taxed
for misgovernment.