to peace and plentie, And there aboute the yeare 1633 the
Lord Baltimore pretending though not trulie, that the greatest
part of the Countrie was unplanted procured that the aforesaid
Judgement soe long delayed was entered and obtained a Pattent
for that parte now called Maryland which hee hath since held
with a few people and smale adventurer, debarring of those
to whome it justlie belonged from planting of it, destroying
and ruynating those formerlie seated under Virginia at the
Isle of Kent, and interdicting traid with the Indians for
furrs, discovered and began by them, which since by that
meanes is injoyed by the Sweeds and Duch, and doth
bring them in yearely manie thousand pounds, which
trade mought have bin solie in the English nation's hands, had
not the Lord of Baltimore interdicted it, seased all vessells and
displanted theire Plantations which Sweeds and Duch doe
trade for great quantities of Gunns, Powder and shot with our
Indians, to the totall Indangering this Colony if not timely pre-
vented. Such a ground worke had the Pattent of Maryland
upon the rightes and labour of others, and as unreasonable
have been the whole proceedings and management of theire
Colony and interests, Att theire first arrivall surprising and
confiscating many vessells with the goods of divers that they
found trading with the Natives, under the Comissions of Vir-
ginia and professing an establishment of the Romish Religion
onely, they suppressed the poore Protestants amongst them,
and carried on the whole frame of theire Government in the
Lord Proprietor's name. All theire proceedings Judicature,
Tryalls, and warrants, in the name, power and dignity, and
from him onely; not the least mention of a King in all theire
Government, to that purpose forcedly imposing oaths, of
fidelity and to mainetaine his Royall Jurisdiction's and Prarnga-
tives and Dominion. To protect cheefly the Romane Catholike
Relligion in the free exercise thereof, and all done by yearelie
Instructions from him out of England, as if hee had been abso-
lute Prince and King; by all which it is easily evident that
the Pattent of Maryland was grounded on noe good founda-
tion, The King being misinformed when in noe thinge more
deeply and directlie could the honour and justice of his Throne
be concerned, then in confirming and conserving the Interest
of soe great a conjuncture of Nobles, Knights, Gentlemen and
Marchants of Primest Ranck who so piously and worthily ad-
ventured their moneys and expended their estates, and paines,
whose rights and Interests though theire Patent were called in
for the time yett had received the most soleme declarations of
asshurances, under the Broad Seale and Privy signett, orders
of counsell, Letters to the Colony and by Generall Proclama-
tion there and here, in England, That it were impious to thinke
P. R. O.