given in uppon oath of the said praisers to our Comander of
the said Island and by him to be entred uppon Record. And
thereuppon to deliver to our use the said goods and Chattells
soe appraised and recorded to our receiver Generall his deputy
or Assignee hee or they first putting in suffecient securyty to
answare and satisfye the full vallue of all such goods as shall
bee by them received as aforesaid, to the said William Clay-
borne and his Partners when they shall enter theire appear-
ances in our said County Courte within the time afore limited
and appoynted for theire appearance. Given at St Marys this
2nd day of January 1638 witnes our deare Brother Edouard
Colvert Esqre Leiutt Generall of our Province.
This is a true Copy of the Record of Maryland
examined this 25th of July 1654
per me Henry Coursey Clarke.
Cecilius Lord propryetary&c To Robert Vaughan Comander
of Palmers Island greeting, wee comand you that you seaze,
destrayne and attach to our use all the servants goods and
chattells whatsoever within your Island late belonging to
William Clayborne of the Isle of Kent Gent: and forfeited
unto us by the lawfull attainder of the said William Clayborne
of piracy and fellony, and the same to keepe in your Custody
and to dispose to our benefitt untill you shall receive further
order or direction from us or our Lieutenant Generall what to
doe therein And make returne of this write as soone as conve-
niently you may, Given at St Marys this 19th March 1637
witnes Edouard Colvert Esqre Lieut: Generall &c.
This is a true Copy of the Record of Maryland
examined this 25th of July 1654
per me Henry Coursey Clarke.
Cecilius &c. to the sheriffe of the Isle of Kent, greeting we
command you that you seize to our use all the goods and chat-
tells of William Clayborne gent: within your Island and that
you keepe them in safe custody untill you shall have further
order from us therein. Given at St Maryes &c.
This is a true Coppye of the Recorde of
Maryland examined this 25th July 1654 per me
Henry Coursey. Clarke.
By vertue of a warrant to mee directed I have seazed into
the Lord propryetary's hands these goods and Chattells be-
longing to Captaine Clayborne within Palmers Island.