Marchants have joyntly usurped our said Isle of Kent and since
the absolute Lordshipp and propryety of the said Isle granted
unto us by His Majties Charter under the Great Seale of Eng-
land, and since the promulgateing of the same Charter with
our Province have notwithstanding continued and mentayned
the said usurpation, and the said William Clobery and David
Morehead both by Letters, Messages and otherwise out of
England have incouraged and assisted the said William Clay-
borne to comitt sundry insolences, contemps and rebellions
against our lawfull Government and propryety of the said
Island, and have by sundry supplies of men, Armes and other
Comodyties ministered succor and meanes to the said William
Clayborne to defend and mentayne the said Island against our
said just Right and Title and to drive a trade with the Indians
of our province contrary to our Royall right and priviledge
therein, and thereby put us to great expence and Charges, for
mentayning our said just right and priviledges and for repress-
ing theire sundry Attempts to the infringeing and overthrowing
thereof yf it had beene in theire powers, And by theire Coopers
and servants sent out of England to that purpose, have felled
downe divers of the best timber trees for makeing of Pipe
Staves uppon our said Land and have otherwise trespassed
and comitted waste uppon the same, to the great disturbance
of the peace of our said Province and to our damage of a
£1000 sterling, Therefore wee doe hereby Comand and
authorize you to attach all or any the Pipe Staves or other
goods, and Chattells whatsoever of the said William Clay-
bornes and his partners within the said Isle of Kent and at the
time of the said Attachment to cite or summon publickly the
said William Clayborne and his Partners William Clobery and
David Morehead that they appeare either in person or by
Atturney at some County Courte held at St Marys before the
first day of February which shalbe in the yeare of our Lord
1639 there to make answare to such trespasses, wasts, misde-
menors, contempts and seditious practices as our Atturney
shall have to charge them with on our behalfe, And yf at the
makeing the said summons or proclamation or within 15 days
after any one shall offer to bayle the said Goods by putting in
sufficient security to the vallue of the said suite you shall by
virtue hereof take Recognisance to our use and there uppon
release the said Attachment And yf noe bayle be offered
within the tyme limited, we doe hereby appoint and authorize
you to cause soe many of the said goods and Chattells attached,
whereof there shalbe any danger of impareing or necessity of
present disposall thereof, to be prised to there present best
vallue uppon the place by 2 skilfull and honest Nightbours
indefferently chosen and to cause the said appraisment to be
P. R. O.