At a County Court helden at St Maries on the 12th Feb: 1637.
The Lieutenant General
before Captaine Robert Winter Esqre
John Lewger gent: Secretary of the Province.
The Sheriff returned for the grand Enquest, 24 freemen, viz:
Thomas Greene gent: Christopher Martin
Marmaduke Snow Thomas Nabbs
Francis Rabnett John Courtis
John Price Thomas Morris
Henry James Thomas Baldridge
Andrew Chappell Nathaniel Pope
John Robinson Robert Vaughan
Henry Bishop John Smithson
Thomas Franclin Robert Percy
John Medly James Cauther
Francis Gray Rainold Fleete
John Halfehide Isaac Edwards.
who appeared, and chose for their forman, Marmaduke Snow.
And were sworne truely to enquire and true presentment to
make of all such bills as should be given them in charge in
behalfe of the Lord Proprietary, according to their evidence.
Then were sworne to give true evidence.
Captaine Thomas Cornwaleys Esqre
Cutbert Fennick gent:
Anthony Cotton mariner
Edward Fleete
William Lewis planters
John Nevill mariner.
Then were delivered two bills to the Jurors. The one of
this Tenor.
Lett Inquest be made for the Lord Proprietary, if in the
river of Pocomoque on the Easterne shore, on the three and
twentieth day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord 1635. Thomas
Cornwaleys Esq" and one of the Com" of this Province with
divers other persons of the company and servants of the said
Thomas Cornwaleys, being in two pinaces, called the St Helen
and the St Margarett, in the peace of God of our Soveraigne
Lord the King, and of the said Lord Proprietarie; Ratcliffe
Warren, commonly knowen by the name of lieutenant Warren,
Richard Hancock, Robert Lake with divers others to the
number of 14 persons or thereabouts, not haveing the feare of
God before their eyes, but being seduced by the malitious
instigation of the divell, and of malice premeditated, in one
pinace belonging to William Cleyborne of the Isle of Kent