to all those Planters, being freemen, as you had power to doe
before the yeare 1625. Wee have alsoe thought fitt to recom-
mend unto you in perticuler Capt: William Button in regard
of the services done by him to the Plantation as wee are
informed and is best knowen to yourselves requireing you to
allowe him so much Lande on either side of the River Appo-
mattock where it may bee most convenient for him as hath
bine here to fore usually graunted for himselfe and soe many
Servants as he hath or shall now transport, And for your
further powers it is now had in Consideration and you shall
shortly knowe the King's further pleasure and soe wee bid you
heartily farewell from Whitehall the 22nd of July A. D. 1634.
your verie loveing freinds
Tho: Coventry. Manchester.
Francis Cottington Kellie Edw: Newburgh.
Thomas Jermin. Francis Windham.
Governor and Councell
in Virginia.
In the Records of Mariland of the Right Honorable Cecilious
Lord Baltimore his Instructions unto his Brother Leonard Cal-
vert and others his lordshipps Comissioners for the Govern-
ment of Mariland
Dated the 4th Sept 1634.
The Eight Instruction is in the Words following
That if possibly they can without notable prejudice to there
owne Collony for want of sufitient strength to defend them-
selves and that Capt William Claiborne at the arivall of theis
Instructions continued his unlawfull courses and have not sub-
mitted himself unto his lordships Patent they seis upon his
person and detain him close prisoner at St Maries upon that
accusation against him in Capt Fleetes examination and that
other they have found since against him for which his lord-
shipe conceiveth by his former Behaviours there will not be
wanting cause enough one his parte that they likewise take
possession if they can of his Plantation in the Isle of Kent till
upon Notice given thereof to his lordships they have further
directions what to do concerning him.
At the latter end of theis instructions signed With
Cecilious Baltimore.
Lord Baltamore's Instructions to his Brother Le. Calvert agt
Capt. Wm. Claiborne.
Vera Copia