P. R. O.
upon the Holy Evangelists by the Lieutenant or Chiefe Gov-
ernor of this province for the time beeinge, or by sutch person
or persons as he or the Lord and proprietary of this province,
or his Heirs, Lords and proprietarys of the same shall from
time to time appoint and authorize for the administration
thereof as aforesaid. And if any person or persons which
either are or hereafter shall bee within this province, shall at
any time within the same, refuse to take the said oath upon
the said Holy Evangelists, according to the true intent and
meaning of this Act, when it shall be so administered unto him
or them respectively as aforesaid, he and thy respectively so
refusing, shall forthwith after such refusall be expelled and
banished this province, and not returne into it againe without
leave from the Lord proprietary or his Heirs Lords and Pro-
prietarys of this province, or his or their Lieutenant or Chiefe
Governor of the same for the time beeinge. And if any person
or persons who shall be expelled or banished for sutch refusall
as aforesaid shall be found in any part of the said Province 30
days after sutch refusall, or shall afterwards returne into any
part of the said Province, without sutch leave as aforesaid, or
shall after sutch returne at any time againe refuse to take the
said Oath upon the said Holy Evangelists, according to the
true and meaninge of this Act, when it shall be againe at any
time so administered unto him or them respectively: shall bee
subject to sutch fine and imprisonment as the Lord and pro-
prietary of this Province, or his Heirs Lords and proprietarys
of this Province shall think fitt or in his or their absence out of
this province, as his or their Lieut: or Chiefe Governor and
Privy Councill of this province for the time beeinge, or the
Major part of them, whereof the said Lieutenant or Chiefe
Governor or his deputy beeing one of the said Privy Councill
to bee all wayes one and to have a negative voyce, shall think
fitt, and the oath and tytle thereof intented by this Act is as
The Oath of Fidelity to the Lord Proprietary
of this Province
I. A. B. doe sweare that I will bee true and faithfull as long
as I shall bee a Member of this province to the Right Honoble
Caecilius Lord Baron of Baltemore Lord Proprietary of this
Province of Maryland and the Hands thereunto belonging, and
to his Heirs Lords and Proprietarys of the same, and to his
Lieut: or Chiefe Governor here for the time beeinge, and will
not at any time by word or actions in publick or in privat,
wittingly or willingly any way derogate from, but will at all
times as occasion shall require, to the uttmost of my power,
defend and maintaine all sutch his said Lordships and his