2. That the charter of Maryland may bee justice regiorum
interpreted and all disorders regulated and overruled, between
the proprietary and the good people inhabiting: by his royall
Majesty and Parliament for ever.
3. That the present two shillings p hhds. tobacco from the
Merchants or any other Customes hereafter, with som certain
fines and Americaments, may bee enacted, and employed, for
maintaining the Governor and other support of the Govern-
ment and publick uses (viz.) building of forts to defend the
Country: guarrisons and the little necessities for the common
4. That the Lord Proprietary may not exact and oppress his
tennants but bee satisfyed to receive the quitt rent in tobacco
at two pence per 1b as now it is both in Maryland and Virginia
beeinge no other silver and gold in the Country.
5. That Protestant Ministers and free schools and glebe
lands may be errected and established in every Country, not-
withstanding liberty of conscience and maintained by the
people: Iteni the free men to choose their delegates & those
free votes in the Assemblys; to enact for the comon Generall
good for the people and Country; without any by respect, com-
pellm,ent and perswasion or interruption.
6. That in case of any emergent necessity, the freemen may
have a gratious recours and appeale to owr gratious King into
England And iff his royall Majesty would pleas to send or
cause to com over 6. or 700 good resolute Scotts Highlanders,
to seat on the head of rivers and the Baye, beeinge men
supposed onely fitt to encounter with the Indians, and keep
the French robbers at a distance, thy would bee a great save
guard to the Country, with the helpe of the other Inhabitants.
God bless and preserve owr glorious Majesty and souver-
aigne Lord Charles the II. King of England, Scotland France
and Ireland, and all the English Provinces in America, Defender
of the Faith. With his illustrious and puisant parliament in
the Twenty and aight year of his Majesty's Imperiall Dominion
Amo: 1676.
A true Copy out of the Acts of Assembly Anno 1650. in
Maryland: for taking an oath of fidelity to the
Lord Proprietary:
Be it enacted by the Lord Proprietary with the advice and
consent of the upper and lower house of'owr present Assembly:
That every person from time to time inhabiting or residing with-
in this province, and sutch who have or shall from time to time
have any Estate, and be at any time in person within the same,
shall take the oath of fidelity to the Lord Proprietary of this
province, to be administered unto him or them respectively
P. R. O.