Volume 4, Page 528 View pdf image (33K) |
528 Court and Testamentary Business, 1649.
Liber A. At the request of the Administrators of Tho. Allen deceased who alleadged that (as they conceived they had welneere satis fyed to the value of the Inventory and desired time till the next Court to pfect theire Accompt It is there vppon ordered that they have tyme till the next Court to perfect theire Accompt And that all Accons entred against the said Estate bee respited till then
At St Maries venris 16o by Present as the day before No: adiournmt John Hollis plte The PIte by Phillipp Land his Attorney Geo: Manners deft complaines against the deft for that hee having delivered to him about October last was tweluemonthes (hee the deft being then the pites Attorney) a Bill of fower thousand pounds of Tob: due to the plte from ffrancis Vandan, of wch Bill or the Tob: due there vppon the deft nowe refuseth to give the pite any Accompt ffor wch hee craves to bee releived with damages. Wherto the deft answereth that the debt hath beene already paid to Hollis, for that the said Vandan in satis faccn of this Bill Assigned to the Plaintiffe 3600 l of Tob, and Caske due by leavy as appeares vppon Record. And it appeared by a Receipt nowe pduced by the said Phillipp Land (who was then Sheriffe) vnder the defendants hand of 2600 l of Tob: part of the said Leavy, wch the defendt acknowledged alleadging hee is able to make appeare by Accompt that hee hath satisfyed the full soffie to the plte but not having the Accompt ready desires respite till the next Court, and is willing and doth deposite the Bill from Vandan in Court to bee disposed vppon the further hearing of the Cause as the Court shall thinke fitt, which is ordered accord ingly
Willm Smoote plte The pites suite being for a Cowe and Mrs Margaret Brent deft her Increase and 1000 l Tob: and Caske and damages. As touching the Cowe vppon hearing what was alleadged on both sides It is ordered by the Court that the plte and William Stephenson shall sometime before the next Court reveiwe a Cowe formerly veiwed by John Sturman in Mr ffenwicks possion, and that the said Stephenson make Certifft to the Court vppon oath if hee can whether it bee the same Cowe that the pite claymeth as bought of Geoffry Power nowe in question Wherevppon the Court will take such further Order as shalbe fitt. And for the 1000 l Tob: and Caske the plte clayming the same of the defendant by speciall As sumpcon that shee would pay the same out of his Lopps estate p. 306 in the first place Wherevnto the defendt by her Answere con-
Volume 4, Page 528 View pdf image (33K) |
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