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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 5   View pdf image (33K)
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    Court and Testamentary Business, 1637.       5


      The declaraon of John Lewçer on the hehalfe of the Lord Liber Z.

       Jo: Lewger for the .

         Proprietr agst Proprietr cloth complaine agst Captaine Henry

      Henry ffleete fHeete of St George's hundred planter, for that


      whereas the said Lord Proprietr together wth divers other gentle

      men were joint adventurors in the trade of beavers with the

      Indians of this Province whereof the said Lord Proprietr was

      interessed in one moiety of the said trade; & the said Henry

      ffleete in one sixth part; and that the said Henry ffleete did on

      some day in the yeare one thousand six hundred twenty foure,

      borrow of the Adventurors out of the common stock by the

      hands of their factor Justinian Snow planter, one hundred

      weight of beaver furres; and that the said Henry ffleete did in

      consideration thereof then and there assume and promise vnto

      the said Adventurors that he the said Henry ffleete out of his

      shares in the next returne of beaver to the said common stock

      would well and faithfully repay the said hundred weight of

      beaver; Nevertheless the said Henry ffleete not regarding his

      said promise and assumption but intending fraudulently to

      deceive the said Lord Proprietr of his said moiety in the said

      hundred weight of beaver the said moiety vnto the said Lord

      Proprietr according to his said promise and assumption hath

      not yet paid, although he hath beene often requested to pay the

      same by the worll Leonard Calvert Esq Lieutent grall of this

      Province on the behalfe of the said Lord Propriet, and hath had

      returne of the said trade since his said assumption to the full

      quantity of the said hundred weight of beaver; but hath refused,

      and still cloth refuse to pay the same to the damage of the said

      Lord Proprietr of one hundred weight of beaver. And for this

      the said John Lewger, attorney for the said Lord Proprietr doth

      bring his suite; and desireth processe of Court agst the said

      Henry ffleetc

                                       John Lewger


        warrt agst Capt. Henry ffleete   at the suite of John

      Lewger is an action of debt of ioo. wt of beaver, to appeare

      on monday the 22th of January to make answere to the said

      Jo: Lewger on the behalfe of the Lord Proprietr


         Leonard Calvert


      agst Rose Gilbert widdow

        Leonard Calvert Esq Lieutent grall of this Province doth

      complaine agst Rose Gilbert widdow and late wife of Richard

      Gilbert late of St maries hundred planter deceased, for that

      whereas the said Leonard Calvt did at severall times in the

      yeare 1637. sell and deliver vnto the said Richard Gilbert

      severall goods and commodities for the price of three hundred

      twenty and sixe pound weight of good tobacco; and that the said


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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